This is a Light weight Library to Convert SQLite Database to Excel and Convert Excel to SQLite. I have already released
version 1.0.0. It is suitable to export SQLite Database to Excel. But, In
version 1.0.1 I have Included following features
- Added Functionality to Import Excel into SQLite Database.
- Added Functionality to Export Blob into Image.
- Added Functionality to Export List of tables specified.
Sample App
The sample app in the repository is available on Google Play:
How to Download
Add the following library in your app level gradle file
compile 'com.ajts.androidmads.SQLite2Excel:library:1.0.1'
How to Use
Add Permission to Read External Storage in AndriodManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Export SQLite to Excel
This line is used to save the exported file in default location.
SqliteToExcel sqliteToExcel = new SqliteToExcel(this, "helloworld.db");
This line is used to save the exported file in used preferred location.
SqliteToExcel sqliteToExcel = new SqliteToExcel(this, "helloworld.db", directory_path);
This code snippet is used to Export a single table in a database to Excel Sheet
sqliteToExcel.exportSingleTable("table1", "table1.xls", new SQLiteToExcel.ExportListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onCompleted(String filePath) {
public void onError(Exception e) {
This following code snippet is used to Export a list of table in a database to Excel Sheet
sqliteToExcel.exportSpecificTables(tablesList, "table1.xls", new SQLiteToExcel.ExportListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onCompleted(String filePath) {
public void onError(Exception e) {
This code snippet is used to Export a every table in a database to Excel Sheet
sqliteToExcel.exportAllTables("table1.xls", new SQLiteToExcel.ExportListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onCompleted(String filePath) {
public void onError(Exception e) {
Import Excel into Database
The following snippet is used to initialize the library for Importing Excel
ExcelToSQLite excelToSQLite = new ExcelToSQLite(getApplicationContext(), "helloworld.db");
The following code is used to Import Excel from Assets
excelToSQLite.importFromAsset("assetFileName.xls", new ExcelToSQLite.ImportListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onCompleted(String dbName) {
public void onError(Exception e) {
The following code is used to Import Excel from user directory
excelToSQLite.importFromAsset(directory_path, new ExcelToSQLite.ImportListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onCompleted(String dbName) {
public void onError(Exception e) {
Please Visit the Wiki Link for full Guidance on SQLite2XL(v1.0.1).
Github Wiki Link
You can Download Full source code from Github. If you Like this library, Please star it in Github.
Github Link for Repo
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